Those who have seen an ML-based language before will find Kuljet's expression syntax familiar ground, and can probably skip to the next section.
Expressions can be literals, such as "string"
Construct lists square brackets, like [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Construct records with curly brackets, like
{ a = 1, b = 2 }
P.S. Access values of a record with a dot:
Function Application
Unlike C-style languages, function application does not require
parentheses. Given a function a
which takes two integers
and returns an integer (i.e. type int -> int -> int
then a 1 2
calls that function with arguments
and 2
Functions are partially applied, so a 1
gives a function
of type int -> int
, and (a 1) 2
is the same
as a 1 2
Use parentheses for nested application e.g.
a (a 1 2) 2
Introduce names for expressions by using let
let |name| = |expression| in |expression|
let x = 1 in x + x
Write functions with the fun
fun |var| -> |expression|
You will sometimes need to provide the type of the function argument using a type annotation:
fun |var|: |type| -> |expression|
Binary Operators
Operate on numbers with +
, -
and /
Compare with =
, <
, >
and >=
Combine Boolean values with and
and or
Concatenate text with ||
and (3 = 3 + 1 or 3 = 3) 1 <= 2
If expression
expressions are written:
if |condition| then |expression| else |expression|
Unlike C-style languages, they are expressions not statements.
Then expression
A then
expression is written:
as |name|] then |expression| |expression| [
where the first expression has type io
. The
expression evaluates the IO action, optionally binding
the result to |name|